Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Mystery Of Love

Hello everyone and a very warm welcome to my  first "Sur's World" Blog!

Each week I will be sharing with you something wondrous that has caught my imagination , moved me to tears ,made stop and think , made me scream and shout or just plain made me think . All in the attempt to share with fellow souls something of interest and more importantly something of use, so that we can ALL move forward in the Universe and also on our own personal journeys.

This week was an amazing week, this week I learned about LOVE! I learned that most of us quite wrongly and habitually chase love externally . What do I mean by this - well we look for love "outside" ourselves from other people. Most of us grow up with the notion that we'll grow up , meet the man or woman of our dreams who'll "complete us " and together we'll live happily ever after! This kind of love must therefore be earned . We are unconsciously telling the mind, that without it  we have no value , no worth and so once earned  we will gain all these assets and  finally be the happy and contented person we are meant to be . However, when we pursue this kind of love , which the majority of us do , it does not take long before problems begin to start . The pursuit of this kind of love is basically ego driven with one obvious major flaw  - how can another person possibly KNOW your value and worth in order to give it you unless YOU do yourself ?
The result of this is that many people are left feeling undervalued and ultimately unloved and the relationship ends in  heart break.

Therefore , the reason why the majority of people are not happy and not in loving relationships where they feel totally and utterly "in-love" all the time is because they go into their relationships with the totally wrong mindset!  And until this mindset is fixed , they keep making the same mistakes again and again and again.

A spring clean is great around the house - well its fantastic inside your head too! Especially where love is concerned. Life today is extremely busy , however we must STOP and invest a little time in ourselves to make a shift in our mindset and constantly remind ourselves of how wonderful we are . We need to get rid of old baggage and replace it with positive messages of how we deserve love  because we ARE love .  Basically, true love cannot be given or taken it just is  . Why is this ? Because love like any other form of energy cannot be created or destroyed - its just physics . And love contains no wanting whatsoever its amazing , therefore when you feel an abundance of this "internal" love you are never "needy " or "overdemanding." Where does this amazing true love come from ? It actually come from within .It lives with us all, right from the moment we are born and stays with us all through our lives, our job is only to recognise it and then to uncover it! Unfortunately , most of us are experts at finding and pointing out our faults yet feel unequipped to uncover this love simply because we do such a good job of hating ourselves. This is why chasing external love, which is normally doomed to disappoint us in some way or other, is far easier for us digest.

Therefore dear friends  in conclusion, in order to grow and prosper in love , we must look within and be complete ourselves rather than look to others to complete us. If we are able to love ourselves as perfect, beautiful BEINGS, then the love we are able to share with others will  indeed be true love and that love is PURE LOVE  a love that JUST IS.


  1. Hey Sur......this is so beautiful and well written. Thank you for taking the time to share. I have learnt that is all relationships when people come to give love rather than take love the loving becomes a abundant cycle. Dipal

  2. Congratulations on the blog...loved it. Love yourself! Sarbjit

  3. Hi Sur,
    just read this blog, and my what an awakening, just found the cause of my deepest problem! I have never loved myself! I have never considered myself worthy of love unless I fulfil a useful function for the people in my life. The idea that I could be loved for just being me is so alien that if even I cannot love me for being me, then why on Earth would anyone else.
    I really feel that I have come to a huge cross-roads in my life and I have some learning to do. Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction, and that is to go within.
    Keep up the great work - I do know, without a doubt, that I do love you xx

  4. Dear Anonymous
    Im do hope that you are able to realise you ARE totally worthy of love without having to do anything. This is a mistake so many of us make. I wish you all the very best on your journey within. Thank you so much for your message .
    Love Sur xx
